
You know the feeling when your heart starts racing the moment before you move into a new direction.
You have a choice to make, and you move forward but you have no idea where you are going.
You feel frozen in the moment, your body heavy, and your mind thinks of one million reasons to stay.
But trust me, leap.
As the saying goes, you only need 10 seconds of insane courage.
And when you leap once, you'll keep leaping and moving forward... again and again.
You just need the courage to take one step, because the universe will give you two.
Don't believe me? I'm living proof and so is anyone who is following their dream.
I launched Bowern at the Wanderlust Festival on Bondi Beach. I presented a collection of yoga mats I'd spent months planning and designing.
The only opinions I had were those of my family - my loving, supportive family who still hang my finger paintings on the fridge.
We set up at 5am, and watched the sun rise over the horizon before the thousands and thousands of Sydney locals hit Bondi Beach for Wanderlust 108.
Here I was waiting and feeling strong (leaning on a crutch) and confident (ok, partially petrified).
A dream and a leap. 10 seconds of insane courage.
And guess what, Bowern sold out.
I took the one step, and the universe handed me a few meters.
So, here is the sign to begin.
Start the business you've dreamed of, take the acting class you've always wanted or, hell, save your pennies and move to Italy asap if the land of passion & food is calling you.
Take one step and then another and another.
And eventually you'll find the flow and the leaps will be more like manageable steps until your dreams get bigger.
Just find the 10 seconds of insane courage and leap.
The plan doesn't need to be finalised. I'm changing mine all the time.
Just make sure yours is full of leaps.


The Bowern Team

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